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From lush rainforests on volcanic islands, to vibrant coral reefs, to extensive savannahs and grasslands, the Caribbean region is one of dramatic environmental contrasts. Spread across hundreds of islands and encompassing continental enclaves in Belize, Guyana and Suriname, the Caribbean is host to high rates of endemism in plants and animals, and strong and diverse cultural identities.
Despite its rich natural and cultural heritage, the Caribbean is one of the most under-protected regions in the world. Less than 6% of its world-famous oceans are under formal protection, and the Caribbean islands have seen 10% of the world’s bird extinctions, 38% of mammal extinctions, and over 65% of reptile extinctions.
BIOPAMA's work in the Caribbean is supported through a regional office based in Barbados. Through the BIOPAMA initiative, the Caribbean Protected Areas Gateway (CPAG) was established in 2014, serving as a regional observatory for protected areas data and information.
The Pacific islands host 662 protected areas, of which two thirds are coastal and marine. Nearly one fifth of the marine territories of the Pacific nations is protected, however only 4% of terrestrial areas are under formal protection.
Through BIOPAMA's network of grantees, environmental conservation in the Pacific continues to build on the strong participation of local and community organisations, in partnership with committed government counterparts.
BIOPAMA's work in the Pacific region are supported through IUCN's regional office in Suva, Fiji, and the regional observatory hosted by the Southern Pacific Regional Environmental Program (SPREP).
With over 2,600 Protected Areas spread across 16 countries, Western Africa represents an important refuge for the continent's biodiversity and an opportunity for sustainable relations between local communities and natural ecosystems.
Implementation of the BIOPAMA programme in Western Africa is supported through IUCN's Regional Office for Western and Central Africa based in Dakar, Senegal, and through the Observatory for Biodiversity and Protected Areas in West Africa (OBAPAO).
BIOPAMA grantees in Western Africa have been instrumental in a range of initiatives to support sustainable relations between communities and biodiversity.
With 17.65% of terrestrial ecosystems and 8.41% of marine ecosystems enshrined in Protected Areas, the nine countries comprising Central Africa are leading efforts on the continent to safeguard their biodiversity.
Implementation of the BIOPAMA programme in Central Africa is supported through IUCN's Regional Office for Western and Central Africa based in Dakar, Senegal, and through the Observatory for Biodiversity and Protected Areas in West Africa (OBAPAO).
BIOPAMA grantees in Eastern Africa have been instrumental in a range of initiatives to support sustainable relations between communities and biodiversity.
With 2,223 Protected Areas encompassing grasslands, swamps, forests, marine and coastal ecosystems, and more, Eastern Africa currently conserves nearly 13% of its terrestrial ecosystems.
Implementation of the BIOPAMA programme in Eastern Africa is supported through IUCN's Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, and through The Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD). To date, BIOPAMA has supported 33 projects in the Eastern Africa region.
BIOPAMA grantees in Eastern Africa have been instrumental in a range of initiatives to support sustainable relations between communities and biodiversity.
The diverse ecosystems of Southern Africa support some of the world's most iconic biodiversity, as well as communities and cultures with the traditional knowledge to manage and sustainably interact with them.
Implementation of the BIOPAMA programme in Southern Africa is supported through IUCN's Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, and through The Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD). To date, BIOPAMA has supported 29 projects in the Southern Africa region.
To date, BIOPAMA has supported projects ranging from livelihoods support to local communities in Madagascar to training ranger teams in Mozambique on the collection of data using the SMART (Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool) software to support anti-poaching efforts.
Click on a region to discover our projects
The BIOPAMA Action Component is a grant-making facility that will fund small and medium grants for targeted actions, by enabling protected area agencies, NGOs, local communities and other key conservation stakeholders to effectively address identified priorities for actions in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific.
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa
Southern Africa
Western Africa
Western Africa
Western Africa
Southern Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Western Africa
Central Africa
Southern Africa
Southern Africa
Southern Africa
Western Africa
Eastern Africa
Western Africa
Western Africa
Central Africa