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Uzungwa Scarp Nature Forest Reserve (USNFR)
Enhanced management and governance of protected or conserved areas
This project will address three priority needs of the protected area:
1. Strengthening the capacity of the patrol team in USNFR.
2. Reducing the illegal activities in USFNR.
3. Integrate results of ecological monitoring in protection planning.
Continue collaborating with Udzungwa Ecological Monitoring Centre (UEMC), which monitors threatened species in USFNR and uses existing data and new results to identify priority areas for protection.
As a direct result of this project, STEP expects to continue collaborating with TFS during this difficult period in management and protection efforts with the goal of significantly reducing illegal activities threatening the tropical biodiversity hotspot and aiming to attain the following changes:
Download the project infofiche.
Southern Tanzania Elephant Program (STEP)
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa
Eastern Africa